Becky Shortt

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Logic & Faith: An Unlikely Match

Here are 7 ways you can generate a sense of faith and belief in yourself and in positive outcomes. There is no substitute for just simply believing, but if that feels too crazy as a starting point, these will get you there!

1. Write up a backlog of times things have worked out.

You have a rich history. You have likely been through some insanely tough times that have tested you. You have accomplished small and larger feats, sometimes deliberately, sometimes by the accumulation of hard work. What just came to mind? Everything you have achieved arrived at the perfect time, allowing you to learn and grow. To build up some faith in positive outcomes and your ability, list everything you have managed to do through determination or nature. Humanity, like the environment, is made to progress. Somehow you ended up talking, walking, thinking and feeling through the inherent system of growth hardwired into our world. If you are alive, learning and have overcome any adversity, you should understand, logically, that things do work out for you. A little closer to believing? 

2. Notice the in-the-moment feeling of believing versus not believing. Wouldn't you rather your experience of each moment carry that positive energy? 

So this is more like a reason to believe rather than doubt. Consider this very moment. I want you to imagine that tomorrow, one of your wildest dreams will come true. Can you picture it? Maybe you are meeting a celebrity, closed the biggest deal of your life or won a holiday with your family. Notice the energy that thought creates in that moment of imagination. Isn't it wonderfully invigorating? Why then, would you not choose to experience faith in the moment. We know that great things happen when we believe. That's why you have bothered to read this far, right? So choose belief in the moment, every moment.

3. Read some crazy 'unlikely' success stories.

If you get stuck in the mindset that you are too 'something' (plain, poor, rough, etc), to be successful, it is time to do some research and discover people who have done what you want to do, even if it took a while. Look for people who remind you of you. They may have had the same perceived challenges, grown up in your hometown, begun their career at a similar age to you, or initially were kinda bummed out about life. When you find these people, there will be proof that really, somebody a little like you (cos nobody is just like you!) can have the thing you want. It makes perfect sense that this is possible for you too.

To dip your foot into these unlikely success stories, you can check out 6 who overcame failure through persistence. Also, some rags to riches stories are inspiring reminders that belief through a sense of purpose and determination can happen. Even Empress Catherine shows that a little self confidence goes a long way.


4. Do what it takes. If you don't feel deserving it is hard to believe.

This one makes a profound difference. If you are not doing everything it takes to achieve success in your field and to develop yourself as a person, there may be a feeling of 'lesser worth' that is subconscious holding you back. In other words, you feel like you haven't done the work to earn the success and because you feel like you don't deserve it, you just won't get it. Sometimes, we punish ourselves and other times, we have such a deepset sense of integrity that we won't allow ourselves to succeed until we think we 'measure up'. One way to add some power to the punch of profound faith is to act in a way that aligns with our goals. If you want a promotion, do high quality work and don't moan about your job. If you want to get back to your pre-baby bod, eat and exercise like the version of you that would be that size. This is all too logical. Write down a few ways you could align your behaviour with what you want! Let's get the ball rolling.

5. Listen to the good guy.

Or the good girl. Whichever voice inside your head or the little tug in your gut or the flutter in your heart, that tells you that you were meant for this. Everything in life serves some purpose, right? Wasn't that positive voice of belief put there for a reason? If you have it, trust it. Listen to it. Nurture it. 

Need some more logic around this? You know how when you were little, you had to defer to your parents? Hopefully they had your best interests at heart. Our parents keep us safe. Sometimes, as teenagers, we had to say 'No, I'm not allowed. My parents won't let.' Now imagine that positive voice or feeling inside of you is the adult guide that really, really, really knows whats best. It can be called intuition, the higher self, god, whatever. That voice know you so intimately, so when it tells you that something awesome is possible, listen and respond. And to any naysaying voices that disagree- ask them whether they have your 'bestest' interests at heart. Or just tell them politely to piss off.

6. Track magic.

Hahahaha! Yes, I have written 'magic' in an article that stresses the 'logic' of having faith. But let's take a logical approach to it. Today, or any day really, ask yourself where magic appears.  Pay attention and you'll realise how many things are so mind-blowing that it wouldn't even be reasonable to think that magical things can't happen to you. Some may call it science, but to me there is nothing more miraculous than that.

Remember happy co-incidences. People you have met who changed your life. Accidents that led you to an amazing experience. Heart ache that helped you find real love. 

Magic makes sense.

7. Get it into your head, dammit!

Or your subconscious more like it. Most of our behaviours and go-to though processes and self-speak are directed by our 'unconscious' thinking. This stems from our life experience and that which is consistently reinforced. If you want to have more faith, then respond with logic and allow yourself to act in your best interest. To do this, get that believe into the recesses of your mind through regular affirmations, like 'I am capable and worthy', that you write down and say to yourself every day, and often. In time, this will become your subconscious belief. You can also visualise your version of success and experience it as though it is real, heightening every sense in your mind until it could be a real memory. The more relaxed you are when you do this, the better. Notice how you begin to act in accordance with the images and words you reinforce to yourself.

It is a good time to WRAP UP with this final note. Like anything in life, it does take action, bother and effort to bring dreams into fruition, so you really must implement one or more of these faith-generating strategies to see results. And consistently. There is nothing that could be more logically resonant than that!

Of course, there are other ways to have faith and belief! Would love you to share some of your own methods. For me, that feeling of faith is pretty constant and only occasionally shaken up, but I can get back to that wavelength quickly. How do you rein in your attitude or belief?

With utmost belief in me and you,


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