Module 10: Contribution & Kindness
This module really unlocks to key to the ultimate self-esteem, which is about how you sit in relation to others and the world, except instead of toxic comparison, you will be primed to focus on contribution and purpose through channels you love and those that feel ridiculously easy.
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Module 10: Contribution & Kindness
You’ll find this perfectly complements our Module 9 work by keeping you in orbit of your purpose.
Here are your challenges for the final module.
Challenge One
Succinctly state what your commitment to the world shall be. Not just in regards to your own purpose, but in terms of your kind intentions for the world. For example, it may be that you will do all in your power to leave the world better than you found it. Or maybe that you will treat every human with utmost respect and compassion. You will see that living into this energy of your goodness will make you resilient during the most difficult of times. Believing you are a good and deserving person can be the difference between you fulfilling and expanding your potential, and shrinking away from your desires. Kindness is good for your soul and good for your dreams.
Challenge Two
Your next challenge is to articulate what you already contribute to the world. You don’t want to have this separation between now and what you will do later. You need to be aware of your value right now. Please note (big disclaimer here) that every human has inherent worth and it is not my intention to make you feel like you need to earn self-esteem. This activity is just another way to make you aware of one way you can appreciate your value. So what do you already contribute to the world? Are you seeing any patterns between your purpose and your contribution? If so, you may already be living into your purpose.
Challenge Three
And how to integrate this outward kindness? If you haven’t done so already, pick one way to be kinder to others or the environment and use this as one of your decision-making filters. For example, you may choose not to speak if it isn’t kind or choose to only buy bio-degradable bin bags! A simple question before your purchases, like ‘Is this sustainable?’ or before your words, e.g. ‘Is this necessary?’, can make your good intentions a daily practice.
Challenge Four
Do you have structures in place that encourage you to contribute in your favourite way? Is there a charity you believe in and want to support? Can you sell your services or align your current business with another cause you believe in? Can you be more prolific in your creations or aim to have more widespread exposure for more impact? Decide on one way to lock-in or expand this contribution.
Challenge Five
Your last challenge for this week is to keep a journal where you reflect on the day, focusing on the positive and the difference that you made. What wonderful things happened and what lovely moments did you encounter? And importantly, however big or small, what did you contribute?
Challenge Summary
♦ Succinctly state what your commitment to the world shall be.
♦ What do you already contribute to the world?
♦ Commit to what skills of contribution you will monetise or volunteer for free and begin doing it ASAP.
♦ Pick one way to be kinder to others or the environment and use this as one of your decision-making filters. For example, you may choose not to speak if it isn’t kind or choose to only buy bio-degradable bin bags!
♦ Distance yourself from your experience of the day and notice what wonderful things happened. Now what lovely moments did you encounter? And importantly, where did you make a little difference?