Private Mastermind

Heya Gorgeous!

Welcome to this very brief info page for the private mastermind I’ll be hosting this year.

You are here for some get-shit-donerry.

I get it.

A year goes by and you did some shit by happy co-incidence, but did you really live your most created life? Did work soar but your personal life flop? Did you have a great time, but squander your savings?

Enter my private mastermind, sidling up in a bare-shouldered satin dress, a martini glass and a wink.

It’s you and me baby. A year long rendezvous where week to week we’ll have you strutting through your days, collecting smiles and goals along the way. It’ll feel like cruise control, but you’ll be off auto-pilot for good.

And it will be remarkably simple.

You and me with a powerful touch-base every week for a year to keep you on track with your goals and the 10+ facets of your world.

But before I tell you the ins and outs, here’s a confession.

I never thought I’d do this.

That is create a year long program that focuses on accountability.

2 reasons this would have been a career no-no.

A year is enough time for a client to lose motivation on initial goals or change trajectory and finish up somewhere in limbo land. This is totally normal and part of the growth process, but it’s not as impressive as 3 month transformational coaching.

Secondly, being an accountability coach means that the people you are working with just need a butt kicking. I qualified to do this 15 years ago when I got my black belt in karate, but quite frankly, accountability coaching feels like a waste of my coaching talents.

This isn’t an anti-sales page though.

I’ve learnt through a decade of coaching that taking action is the most spiritual and significant thing you can do.

More than meditation.

It also not the lazy or uninspired who need help taking action.

It’s people like you and me- those who are multipassionate, those with competing interests, those who are invested in other people’s success and happiness (so much that it’s easy to neglect our own dreams).

And so this private mastermind is one-to-one communication between you and me, where YOU are the priority. We measure and celebrate your success, unpack any sticky parts of your week and stay on track to have the dreams that were meant for you.

You’ll answer 4 questions.

What did you achieve this week?

What will you achieve next week?

What was energising and what was draining? (ok this is like two)

The fourth question I will tailor to you specifically.

It’s all via email- our own private container.

I’ll respond personally to every email with my coaching hat on. That means extra perspective, suggestions, questions and resources just for you.

You could answer these questions by yourself each week and you’d get a lot out of it. But with added support and accountability, there is less wiggle room my friend (because wiggling, though fun, is best left for the dancefloor).

Did you know you can join right here, right now and you’re in!

The investment is $1100AUD for a year.

It’s unheard of for this kind of personal ongoing support.

Fill in the form below if you want to join from now until this time next year. All you need to do is say g’day with your email address and you’re in.

Click the image below for all payment methods, or join with Paypal (under image). I’ll be in touch via email to introduce you to the program with hugs.

Private Mastermind

Not sure whether this is right for you? Send an email to with any questions or just to say hi and make my day.