Psychology vs Life-Coaching

Today, I thought I’d do something different and share one of my phone voice-memos where I speak, unfiltered and unedited about my experience working with a psychologist and how it’s different to working with a coach.

You’ll hear about:

  • A process my psychologist used on me and what I thought of it

  • What my psychologist called me and why I got defensive!

  • My commentary on personality tests and horoscopes and why we love them

  • Who I wouldn’t recommend to work with a psychologist and who should work with a life-coach

After you listen, let me know if you relate more the the type of person who should work with a psychologist or someone who should work with a life-coach.

If you want to know who I work with, let me know if this is you.

And feel free to email me at to share your thoughts on psychologists versus coaches. xxx