I Have a Gift For You!
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I see you.
You inspire me.
You are powerful. Sometimes you forget. And when you remember it takes your breath away. And maybe you shut it down or make it a big deal. Could this just be your new normal?
People are drawn to you and your leadership. You build others up and let them discover their strengths. You could probably charm the pants off anyone, but really it is just your big heart, smile and humour that somehow sets everyone at ease.
You are talented, but you don’t like to call it that. You work hard- even when it feels easy (or lazy!), it’s more than most people could handle. That’s because you’re passionate about what you do. You are too smart for your own good sometimes. When people say ‘ignorance is bliss’ it hits you in the feels.
You are absolutely committed to being the best version of you, while looking outwardly to how you can best serve and heal the world. When you want something, you go for it. You put your money where your mouth is, even when it’s a stretch. You have overcome adversities that are sometimes hard to put into words, but ever so real. People might describe you as superhuman. You feel as real and raw as ever, but in your honest moments, you realise they are right. Some things do come easily to you.
You speak the truth. You dare to say things others won’t say. You have a unique perspective and you are called to share it. You believe it deeply. This makes you fierce.
But you hold yourself back.
You struggle to state your worth, even though you are the secret-sauce behind others’ success! You sometimes shrink and act like you are in the backseat, the background or the sidelines, when really you were born for next level leadership. You are THE SAME as those you inspire YOU!
Occasionally you trick yourself, cos you’re clever like that, telling yourself that this is all enough, even though you could have anything you dared to ask for. Sometimes you are scared you don’t have the energy and resources to make the life of your dreams- this vision, sustainable. Sometimes you stop yourself imagining more than this.
You say yes too often, because you can handle it. Before you know it, doing life completely on your terms is no longer a reality.
And it’s hard.
Despite your good graces, you kinda resent that everything is up to you and nobody can really comprehend the energy and mental bandwidth you give. It feels lonely.
And then, even though love is at the centre of all you do, you can accidentally hurt people’s feelings with your awesome-sauce. At least you wonder if that’s happening.
You have a particular pace and you wish people could accept that. Sometimes you’ll be too slow. Sometimes you’ll be too busy. It’s never good enough.
Your magnetism and talent complicates your life. There are many offers on the table and you are forever learning to discern. You are constantly aware of all the lives you could be living in parallel universes and it stings a little when you won’t get out of your own way.
You can feel shame asking for more when you have so much. You wonder when you’ll be completely satisfied as you squash cheeky fires in your heart.
I’m here to help you light the right fires and to keep them blazing.
If we’re not on a first name basis yet, it’s nice to greet you.
I’m Becky Shortt.
I coach creative, quirky and heart-centred leaders to make the impossible feel easy. I’m obsessed with the paradox of reinvention and being more myself than ever, and I’ve been helping clients do this for the past 8 years. I’ve been showing my students and mentees how to tap into this for decades and it’s my favourite pastime in the world.
I’m not like other coaches. You’ll get to hear some of my juiciest stories, but for now, here’s what I can share today:
· I’ve been an executive leader in a comprehensive high-school with 11 years of teaching under my belt, knowing the interesting dynamics of having a boss and being a boss (#relatable). Months before I went for the position, I was told I was not qualified for the role ‘below’ that. I have redefined the face of an executive with my warm & vivacious demeanour.
· I have a long history in martial arts. I have a 3rd degree black belt in karate. I ran a dojo as a sensei from the age of 16 to 28. I still teach karate on occasion and have been using my skills in peak performance to coach people in martial arts through the interwebs. I’ve won multiple National and 2 World Titles in karate at the open-division black-belt category and competed in Japan. I spent years avoiding being a black belt because I never felt good enough. I quit teaching karate when it no longer was a ‘Hell yes’ in my life, even though I loved it. I gave up competing when it lacked meaning and decided to do something even scarier- be myself!
· I’m trained in Neuro-linguistic Programming and have been using this for 8 years as a life coach and teacher, selling thousands of online courses, working with leaders and celebrities from all walks of life.
· I’m a singer-songwriter with 10 published songs that you can find anywhere. I’m sitting on two new tracks that are so good, I don’t know which to drop first! I had my first radio play in 2020 after years in a studio I rented from the industry’s best. 5 years ago a producer said I was so terrible that he wouldn’t take my money. Last year, he recorded a couple of my songs for free.
I’ve been described by clients as relatable, down-to-earth, wise, hilarious, intense. My friends call me unstoppable, ridiculous, inappropriate and say that everything I touch turns to gold. My colleagues say I have extraordinary perspective. I say that I see what others can’t see, but help them remember what they already know.
Like you, I’ve know what it’s like to feel alone. Leadership and pursuing high-achievement can be this way. You crave a tribe, a mentor, a friend who not only can relate but support you in real ways. Especially because you usually support others. That’s your gift, after all.
With your courage in saying yes, that glimmer of self-belief or deep need to understood…
With my expertise in coaching people to get anything they want, in the exact way they want it…
You and I will make magic an everyday experience in your life. As you set out to achieve the extraordinary, you will be more supported than ever and will be gifted with different perspectives, the truth and the tools that will transform your world from the inside out.
The 3-month Metamorphosis
So much can happen in 90 days. It was enough time for me to create and record my own solo music project. It was enough time for my family to fall apart and rebuild themselves. It was enough time to dramatically shift my business. And it’s been a magical amount of time to see clients have epic transformations.
For the next three months I will be working with a handful of people who are ready to embody a new normal that makes the extraordinary happen- AND feel easier than ever.
I don’t care when the change happens. Before, during or after the 3 months. But I can tell you what the guaranteed results will be:
· Believing in and backing yourself 100%
· Having a newfound commitment to doing things YOUR way, which probably means with fun, ease and sustainable results
· Becoming unfuckwithable aka having incredible mastery over and through your emotions, being undeterred by mainstream thinking and not getting derailed by anything.
· Profound and meaningful success in every area of your life- because it is all connected!
· Plus, everything you intend for these three months or the rest of your life.
Assume that every moment and decision is important. It changes the trajectory of your life in increments that down-the-line have an exponential effect.
Here’s what included in the premium signature package:
· Ongoing voice memo coaching where you will ask me any questions or respond to prompts to get you uplevelling your life.
· 3x breakthrough sessions
· Personalised videos and audio love-bytes
Plus some yummy bonuses like:
· FREE access to my beautiful writing course for healing and empowerment
· 7 Days til Sexy (a naughty & nice ebook by yours truly)
· Take this to Bed guided meditations
· The Small Changes for a Big Difference workbook
Perfect Moment
At the moment of writing this, I’ve just had a final breakthrough session with one of my beautiful 3-month clients who while healing herself, transformed her family, experienced other-worldly blessings, accepted a new job (with more offers), disrupted limiting beliefs about relationships and sex, found herself easily involved in extreme-sport challenges beyond her initial self-perception (triggering everyone who thought she was too inexperienced!), fell back in-love with a long-time hobby, approached death with new eyes and a calm her previous self wouldn’t recognise, and learnt how to warp time so she could complete a course that before felt like a struggle. (Big breath in…) She had thought about working with me for YEARS and the timing was perfect, as usual.
Whether you have been thinking about coaching with me for a while, or just today, if you feel like you need a personal, nourishing and transformational experience, this will be the magic you need.
Whether I see you in my inbox or I see you first, I’m sure thrilled to be seeing you! Stay buzzed for other goodies from me, including this little lovechild below.