VIP Day!

Do you want to make some extraordinary personal and professional progress this year?

Are you finding that during the daily grind, your own needs and desires aren’t getting enough airtime? You feel like you could be on the brink of a breakthrough, but need dedicated space and time to get the traction you crave.

You’re invited to join me for your very own VIP coaching day.

We’ll have beautiful A.M and P.M sessions, remotely, including meditation, finding threads in your life that need attention and taking a quantum leap towards something you thought was impossible.

Deep coaching is the core of the work we’ll do, but the spirit of our sessions is ‘lean back, receive, luxuriate’!

Take a look at what’s on the delicious menu.

All process work we do are grounded in the rather sexy science and practice of NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), which means it’s designed to create easy and long-lasting change.

One day can truly change your life, as can moments like these where we have the chance to say yes.

You’ll also instantly become a VIP client once you attend and will receive all my current ebooks and exclusive discounts on future programs.

Complete the form to say yes and from there we’ll find the best day for both of us. VIP days are just for you!

During January 2023, the VIP day is $512, payable in full or via installments.

When we organise the best day, we’ll decide how to set up your day so it’s extra special for you.

Yes, I’m In!

Looking for ongoing coaching?

In February I’ll be starting the 3-Month Metamorphosis. You can find out all about it here.