Journaling is Back in Fashion!

It's Magic Monday, the day I like to make super special to avoid the 'Mondayitis' to which so many of us have become accustomed.

I personally like to hit the ground running, so I jam pack into my Monday a bit of everything I want in the week. Teaching, writing, learning, singing, coaching and usually cuddles with my man while watching the latest TV show (GAME OF THRONES TONIGHT!). But what really gets me on track on Mondays is... journal writing.

And, yes, journal writing is back in fashion! 
But there is a twist.

Journal writing can be used to mindfully heal ourselves, overcome challenges or be the first stage of bringing a dream or goal to fruition. In this week's video, we zoom in on a lecture I give on journal writing and how it can be applied to find and heal our wounds, shift beliefs and get on the path to success. I have included this PDF to help you with this form of journal writing. 

As with anything, we know what is best for ourselves, so let this writing activity lead you to new places of self-discovery and insight. It can be scary scrutinising our minds so deeply, but really, it is the only way we can move beyond where we are right now. The change has to come from within. 

Watch the video on journal writing here. You get to see part of my journal entry which is brutally honest and personal.


Once you have a go at this type of journal writing, send me a quick reply letting me know what you have discovered about yourself through this or what actions you are motivated to take since journal writing.

I will always reply to you.

Yours with love and the magic of Monday,


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