What Winner Knickers Look Like
The picture is false advertising.
These were my little gift to myself after winning a World Title. I got them at the airport before flying back to Sydney. After I missed my first flight.
The real ‘Winner Knickers’ were very different.
I remember the Sunday morning I put them on. ‘You can’t win a World Title in these’ was my first thought. It was closely followed by a second, more delicious thought- ‘These will be the undies I wear when I win the 2017 World Championship.’
You see, either through a vigorous washing cycle or the underwear fetish of my little King Charles Cavalier, my ‘winner knickers’ had a massive hole in them. Not to the point of any discomfort. But I would have felt the difference if I stood in a cool breeze.
The ‘winner knickers’ represented everything about me that wasn’t perfect or ‘not deserving’ of winning a world title. In the lead up to the competition I wondered if I should be doing more. I considered swearing off icecream. Wondered if I should be even kinder to be a better representation of a ‘champion’. Sometimes I’d look at the mess in my house and think that surely a champion would have a pristine living space. I’d write dark song lyrics and think maybe I should have pristine thoughts as well.
But the resounding message, louder and more clearer than those voices was the voice telling me one of my favourite paradoxes. It’s ok not to be perfect AND you are already.
Just do the thing.
Do what your heart desires. You already deserve it. Go for it and don’t judge yourself on the way. You don’t have to look like a cookie-cutter version of success to have everything you want. Just ask. Just do.
If you are waiting to be perfect or to look a certain way before you go for what you really want, you may find you are never ready. It’s ok to get what you want, YOUR WAY, being entirely you.
This is a love letter to you and to me and to everyone. It’s time to go for what we want.
With all my heart,
PS. Please share here whether you have ever harboured any of the same thoughts. Like you had to be perfect to be deserving of something. And if there is anything you are committed to going for, do share it boldly in the comments too. It's really the best to be YOU!