Ninja Poos that Change the Course of History
The poo to change the course of history.
Or maybe the future for me and my family.
Not because of what I did, but how I did it.
My dentist disclosed to me that he doesn’t take his phone into the bathroom cos he finds it unhygienic. This is the man I want working on my mouth.
As for me, today I took my phone into the loo and casually bought some stocks in the same time it took me to do a ‘ninja-poop’ (the way women poo where we’re swift and you’d never know that we’ve gone, unless we send someone an email about it to tell them!).
It was on my list of things to do, I’d done it more than a few times before and it was a convenient time to do it.
By the time the toilet flushed, I was getting an email confirmation.
Well done to me.
Something that was a big deal to me a couple of years ago is now no thang.
But sometimes everything is a big deal.
And it brings our dreams to a screeching halt.
I writhed and cried on the floor of my parents’ house and agonised about competing in karate for YEARSSSS before I started (winning a couple of World Titles when I did).
If you know me from karate, this may be hard to believe, but let me tell you my painfully drawn-out process of beginning to compete seriously.
Sad Step 1: I asked a fellow karate consultant if I should join the tournament squad.
She told me that my current instructor would be really disappointed in me if I did that because the culture there was apparently terrible. (Spoiler: it wasn’t!)
I put that thought to bed for a while.
Sad Step 2: Then I talked to other older blackbelts who would stoically say ‘I don’t compete’ and I thought that to be a real karate student I had to ignore competition (and maybe just break bricks in my back yard).
I hit the snooze button on my dreams once more.
Sad Step 3: At the next tournament, I watched other people winning, when I knew in my bones, muscles and heart that I could do it too and that my life dream of inspiring others was closer than I thought.
I wailed and cried, thinking it was my time, but too scared to take the next logical step. I had a full-blown hissy fit.
It sucks to feel stuck.
Sad Step 4: A while later, I talked to my longtime instructor about joining the tournament team and asked him if he really would be disappointed if I did. (I realise how fucked-up I may seem, having to be the ‘good student’ and ask permission from a man who really didn’t call the shots here!) He was really supportive & told me to just keep doing my regular classes too. Oh, so that’s what it’s about.
In the end, I never needed to ask for permission.
I just had to show up for a ‘tryout’. THE ONLY STEP!!!
The rest is history, as they say.
So now, my friend, you see why my investment poo means so much to me.
I used to miss out on so many ‘fuck yes’ experiences because there was so much 'stuff' between wanting it and 'yes!' that the yes never happened or it happened years later than necessary.
I like to say ‘the timing will always be perfect’ as a liberating thought. It’s true.
But when it comes to investing in yourself, the best time is now.
So take the leap my friends.
You can start creating a better future for yourself in the plop of a poo.
Love Bec