Your Goodness & Your Greatness (and how you are holding yourself back!)
I help fallible humans exist in their brightest light.
I help them uncover the treasure of being their unique and greatest selves so they can transform their world, make an impact and feel fulfilled and finally connected.
I ask the questions that lead to life-changing insights. Words to live by. Little saviours.
I do this because I know what it feels like to live into this light. And I know the feelings and beliefs that threaten our happiness and success, especially for big-hearted, do-gooder types.
Here are three things that hold us back that I rarely talk about here. For some, they are at the forefront of your mind. And for some, you may not know that they are there, tugging you back when you think just maybe it is your time.
The first one is shame. That feeling of having messed up so badly that you don’t think you deserve to be out there and successful. Sometimes that shame comes from things that have happened to us. Or guilt about pain we’ve caused or poor decisions we’ve made. If you have the thought ‘It’s all my fault’, there is a high chance that without the right nurturing, mindset and tools, you will hold yourself back. And that, my friend, is not good for you, your loved ones and the world.
The other thing that holds us back is fear. You might have this insidious fear of failing or succeeding and wearing the consequences of a life of success. You might fear the judgment, or the responsibility or maybe you don’t trust yourself to manage it in a way where you can look after yourself.
The other way you might hold yourself back is through this pervasive belief that you are ‘different’. As in, you are not like other successful people or that there is just something so fucked up about you that you couldn’t possibly have a morsel of the abundance that you see. Your mind wanders to your past, you count your flaws, and you start to put up walls around you to distance yourself from the love that is always available to you.
You are different. And that’s a good thing.
You also, have everything you need to succeed right now.
A few tweaks to the way you think will make all the difference.
I work closely with people to overcome limiting beliefs, especially those who feel undeserving or like they don’t fit whatever mould comes to mind. I do this through my coaching work, and if you would like to learn more about that, you can explore here..
But if you are here, reading until the end, I need to say again, and I want you to say it with me and feel it…
Shrinking and shying away from being the full expression of you- your goodness and your greatness does nobody any favours. You rob the world of the gifts you bring, just as you condemn yourself to the pain of unrealised potential.
Your journey was meant to be this way. You are meant to step into your goodness and your greatness no matter what, especially when you think it is impossible. It is how you start to feel good again and how you open up to the joy of life, which is always closer than you may notice. It is how you make the world a better place, starting with YOUR world- your family, friends, work, business or community. You make every place better when you commit to your goodness and your greatness.
Be empowered by that thought. I know you, your heart and the strength of what you have overcome. You are free to be you and to be wildly happy and successful doing just that.
Love Becky