Module 7: Stepping Towards Your Dreams

In this module, you will focused on doing what is in your heart and setting the wheels in motion to accomplish a goal or dream that you may not have even dared to utter til now. Don’t worry, I will take you through a really cool process to help you get there, but the name of the game this week is aligned action.

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Challenge One

The first challenge is to write a goal or dream, as though it is true right now and describe the whole scenario in detail. It might present as your ‘perfect day’ in which the dream comes true. Or maybe it is the moment where you know you’ve ‘made it’. This could be the peak point, or defining moment, like accepting an accolade, or setting foot in a new home or seeing the first dollars for something you made. Write it in first person, present tense, e.g. ‘I am stepping out from behind the stage curtain…’ Making the scenario real and compelling can motivate you to act. It will also help you clarify exactly what you want. Being engaged in the scenario through visualisation will help you tweak aspects as you go and become more discerning.

Challenge Two

The next challenge is to take action towards your goal in a way that clearly sets the wheels in motion for you to achieve it. If you want to book more clients, that action is probably not going to be changing your brand logo. It’s more likely to be sending a thoughtful email with an invitation for your potential clients to buy from you! If your goal involves building a skill, the first impactful step is not going to be spending hours looking for the best coach for you. It’s probably going to just be spending one hour learning and practicing. Having a bias for action is a habit you can build. Having a bias for action with the most impact can also be mastered. You will have a whole new level of self-respect when you do what you say you’re gonna do. It begins here.

Challenge SUMMARY

♦ Write a goal or dream, as though it is true rights now and describe the whole scenario in detail.

♦ Take action towards your goal in a way that clearly sets the wheels in motion for you achieving it.

Further Resources + Mini-Lessons


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