Write Your World Wonderful
Write Your World Wonderful
Most beautiful, signature writing course to upskill, heal and create your world.
· slow down and focus on you
· learn the ‘mystical’ language tools needed to shape your reality (you’ve had these all along!)
· heal yourself and your lineage
· become an insight-generating wizard
· feel grounded and present
· alleviate stress and anxiety
· fall in love with your life right now
· connect profoundly with the dreams that were made for you
· gain confidence in your compelling story
· derail any existential crisis
· learn to engage an audience and begin sharing with ease
In this course, I will be guiding you through a series of powerful writing exercises, designed to not only make you a powerful writer, but somebody who has breakthroughs on the regular. I will upskill you in aspects of your writing, not so you can be ‘better’, but so you can achieve the outcome of these transformational exercises. I will teach you how many of these are grounded in principles of psychology, etymology, neurolinguistic programming and quantum healing. And we will engage in some beautiful meditations and visualisations to make your writing time absolutely sacred,
This course will include a FREE 3-month mentorship with me, beginning in November 2022, where you:
can be personally briefed and debriefed on any of the lessons
co-design resonant words for healing and growth
share your writing and be coached on arising feelings and insights
ask any questions about advanced techniques included in the course
access curated resources and receive personalised prompts
This is valued at $2700 but will be completely FREE with your purchase of the course.
You can instantly purchase this self-directed course and begin to ‘write your world wonderful’ and so much more.
See you in there!